Portage Minor Hockey Association
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PMHA Manager Handbook & Time Keeper Package

For new or exisiting managers, please review this handbook to help you stay organized and ontask this Hockey Season

Click here for the PMHA Manager Handbook

Click here for the Time Keeper "How to" Package


 Hockey Canada Manuals:

Hockey Canada Skills Development Manuals………………….. HC_ManualInfo.pdf
HC Novice Practice Plan 1 & 2..……………………………………HCNovice.pdf
HC Atom Practice Plan 1 & 2………………………………………. HCAtom.pdf
HC Peewee Practice Plan 1 & 2 ……………………………………HCPeewee.pdf
HC Bantam Practice Plan 1 & 2 …………………………………… HCBantam.pdf
HC Midget Practice Plan 1 & 2 .…………………………………….. HCMidget.pdf
HC Goaltender Practice Plan - Beginner…………………………. .HCGoalte.pdf
Skills Testing………………………………………………………….. Skillstesting.pdf
Philosophy - Skill Development…………………………………….. Philos_skilldev.pdf
Coaching -Communication Plan ……………………………………Coaches_communicate.pdf
Teaching Checking - A Progressive Approach……………….. ......Checking.pdf *[5.4 Mb]
Initiation Program -Admin Workshop………………………………. initiate_adminworkshop.pdf
Initiation Program - Implementation Guide…………………..…......initiate_impleguide.pdf
Initiation Program - Skill Reference Chart…………………….….... initiate_skillschart.pdf


Parent References:

Hockey Canada Skills Development Manuals………………….. HC_ManualInfo.pdf
HC Novice Practice Plan 1 & 2..……………………………………HCNovice.pdf
HC Atom Practice Plan 1 & 2………………………………………. HCAtom.pdf
HC Peewee Practice Plan 1 & 2 ……………………………………HCPeewee.pdf
HC Bantam Practice Plan 1 & 2 …………………………………… HCBantam.pdf
HC Midget Practice Plan 1 & 2 .…………………………………….. HCMidget.pdf
HC Goaltender Practice Plan - Beginner…………………………. .HCGoalte.pdf
Skills Testing………………………………………………………….. Skillstesting.pdf
Philosophy - Skill Development…………………………………….. Philos_skilldev.pdf
Coaching -Communication Plan ……………………………………Coaches_communicate.pdf
Teaching Checking - A Progressive Approach……………….. ......Checking.pdf *[5.4 Mb]
Initiation Program -Admin Workshop………………………………. initiate_adminworkshop.pdf
Initiation Program - Implementation Guide…………………..…......initiate_impleguide.pdf
Initiation Program - Skill Reference Chart…………………….….... initiate_skillschart.pdf